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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

To all of the Turners Falls and Pioneer Football parents and players:

Please forward to all you know in the area. Time to get involved Parents. Trust me it will be the best times of your lives. Don't let them win ( Miller, Bacon and SC) This is how you fight back with a vctory and support. Show the Panther Power :) 

To all of the Turners Falls and Pioneer Football parents and players:
Please reach out to Candice Putala Dodge at 413-522-5387 or Christie Carme as soon as you can so they can start sending you messages about upcoming events that help support our team. We would love to have as many parents involved as we can get. All events are a great time and are an opportunity for adults and players to get to know each other.
Our first fundraiser event is in 2 weeks. It is a golf tournament at Thomas’ Country Club. We need your help and hope to see everyone there.
Please share this post with any parents that may not see this.
Thanks very much for your help.

Well Well Well ...Welcome to your Karma

Well, Pat its really too bad you didn't listen to our warnings.  What I am really happy to see is that people now see this SC for what you actually are and its the fact that you are totally incompetent. Knowing you are on the committee to find a new superintendent should scare people to death. David Young on the budget committee is a damn joke.

You did no due diligence on Miller. You chose her because you DID NOT want to go thru another search.
You did not listen to Templeton's warning and how they advised against this hiring. You also did not listen to the committee you sent to check her out who also advised against her.
We posted you facts, newspapers articles, our long-time Admisntration came to you with concerns and instead of listening and DOING YOUR JOB you turned your back on loyal employees and allowed her to destroy their careers. Not only did we warn you in 2015 to WATCH THE BUDGET, you also made her business mgr! We warned you against that as well. Templeton told you she can hide things really well. You were also warned about school choice and the 2017 graduation class would be your last large paycheck from Vernon over 500,000.00. Vernon has the kids to send you the problem is you fired all those who made PVRS what it was and they don't feel you're capable of giving their children the education they need. Nobody wants to be a part of this shit show. You now have parents in your own towns looking elsewhere for there education needs. No sports will close your doors or music programs.
 Now, it's your turn Pat and the rest of this SC to lose your positions. People want you out, all of you because you lost the trust of the people who depended on you to do your job and they now see you are not capable. Step down.

It's also time that the Selectboards in Northfield, Leyden, Warwick, and Bernardston calls for an investigation of you, Miller, Young, Healy, and Bacon. You Pat and this SC are responsible for destroying a once happy and high spirited school. Great job.

But this article today was the last straw for many. But before we get to that let me make this very clear to you. We are watching you all and we will do due diligence on each one you select. Let us be clear you will not hurt this school again. Suggestion beg Dayle Dorion, Mike Duprey, and Cathy HH, to come back and put this school back in order, without them you will continue to fail.However, with a Mass Revenue audit, I think you have more problems coming than your prepared for.

Now onward.

Pioneer teachers air frustrations with school budget woes


NORTHFIELD — Pioneer teachers were holding signs on the corner of routes 10 and 63 (Main Street) on Sunday, publicizing their frustrations with the School Committee and Superintendent Ruth Miller.
“It’s like a shell game with them, moving the money around,” said Tracy Derrig, a teacher at Pioneer Valley Regional School. “It’s in this line; no, it’s in that line; no, we consolidated lines. No one ever saw what the math was. Now here we are at the eleventh hour of the school year and a million dollars in the hole.” YOU WERE WARNED TO WATCH THE BUDGETS AND SHE COULD HIDE MONEY WELL.
Extensive layoffs and potential school closures are expected after an emergency meeting of the Pioneer Valley Regional School Committee last Thursday, where it was revealed that, according to an audit conducted the prior week by the Massachusetts Department of Revenue, the district will be at a deficit of nearly a million dollars by the end of July. IF MASS DEPT OF REVENUE IS DIGGING THEY ALREADY HAVE ANSWERS WHERE THE MISSING MONEY IS , WHICH IS ALSO WHY YOU HAVE A MISSING MILLER.
“It’s like a disaster happened,” said Aimee Brown, in her 20th year as a teacher at PVRS. “No one really saw it coming — nothing leading up to these profound problems.” EXCUSE ME AIMEE BUT BULLSHIT. IN 2015 WE WARNED YOU OF THIS DAY , AND YOU ALL CHOSE TO IGNORE IT. 2015, 2016, 2017. TEMPLETON WARNED YOU, DUPREY WARNED YOU. SO DON'T GO DOWN THIS  PATH OF SHOCK AND AWE.
The School Committee voted unanimously to seek financial oversight from the state, and instructed administrators to plan to reduce at least $400,000 from the budget for the coming school year. Those plans are to be reviewed at the next School Committee meeting, Thursday at 7 p.m. at Pioneer Valley Regional School.TAKE AWAY SPORTS , MUSIC OR THE ARTS AND YOU MY'S WELL CLOSE THE DOORS.
Ariel LaReau, a teacher at PVRS and president of the Pioneer Valley Regional Education Association, said the teachers demonstrating on Sunday blamed the “horrifying crescendo” of the district’s financial problems on mismanagement from Superintendent Miller, and on the School Committee for not holding Miller accountable. YOUR SPOT ON
“At this point she (Miller) is done, she’s gone, she’s gonna get away with it,” LaReau said. Miller has been planning to leave her job in the Pioneer district since before the budget issue escalated. Her last day is June 30. Efforts to reach her on Sunday were unsuccessful.SHE KNOWS HER TIME IS UP AND IT'S ONLY A MATTER OF TIME FOR THE REST OF HER DOMINOES TO FALL.SHE KNOWS SOMEONE TURNED HER IN .
“We need a new school committee that knows what’s going on, that pays attention, that wants our schools to exist,” LaReau said. THEY ALL NEED TO STEP DOWN AND THE SOONER THE BETTER ESPECIALLY PAT AND DAVID YOUNG.
When reached Sunday after the demonstration — which spanned from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. — School Committee chairwoman Pat Shearer spoke in support of the teachers.LMAO IT TOOK HER 3 YEARS TO SUPPORT THE TEACHERS UP TILL NOW SHE IGNORED ALL OF THEM AND THE WARNINGS. SO I CALL YOU A DAMN LIAR PAT YOUR CORNERED AND YOU KNOW IT.,
“I think the teachers understand what the problem is more than we realize they do,” she said. “The teachers are a smart bunch of people who are very dedicated to making our kids the best educated kids they can be. They are doing what they can do.” WITH NO HELP FROM YOU OR THIS COMMITTEE IN 3 YEARS. GREAT TEACHERS WERE LOST, CAREERS DESTROYED,YOUR A POS .
For the past two weeks, a subcommittee of the School Committee has been interviewing candidates for a new superintendent. Shearer, who is also on the superintendent subcommittee, has said the subcommittee will select two applicants for the whole committee to interview and vote on at the next School Committee meeting.GET SHEARER  OFF THIS COMMITTEE.
Teachers on Sunday were also collecting donations from passing drivers. LaReau said the money will be donated to the School Committee with instructions that it be used to help pay for substitute teachers. By 1 p.m., they had collected $400.
District administrators drastically reduced spending on substitute teachers two weeks ago as an effort to avoid overspending the current year’s budget.
Principals were instructed to seek creative alternatives to using substitutes. At PVRS, classes are being pooled into large study hall sessions where, PVRS student Dana McRae said, “you basically sit there for a block and don’t do anything.”PRICELESS
When they’re available, teachers say they are being asked to cover classes outside of their subject area.
“I had a calculus class in the chorus room,” McRae said. “The chorus teacher doesn’t know how to teach calculus.”
Some teachers said they might plan another demonstration next weekend in Bernardston.
“There needs to be accountability,” Brown said. “There needs to be a change to be able to manage the funds that these towns so kindly and generously vote in to support our schools.”

Listen your gonna need teachers and administrators who love this school and know it to bring her back and to once again bring school choice back to PVRS. What you have now  won't cut it. You need Mike Duprey and Dayle Dorion and Cathy HH, and teachers whos careers were here and dedicated to this school and these kids. They are who made PVRS and  its time to undo a wrong that has been done or close the doors cause this is over.

For years I have kept you informed and fought for you its now time that you all step up and fight for your school , teachers and kids beccause you are the warriors they need .Fight now or lose all that matters . I pray  God saves PVRS.