I also think if this should happen Vernon also needs to have at least two members of its school board committee at PVRSD school committee meetings to ensure that Vernon students are protected under this new Superintendent .
Vernon to vote on leaving regional school union
Jun. 30, 2016, 5:15 pm by
Mike Faher

Vernon Elementary School. File photo by Mike Faher/VTDigger
— Having rejected Act 46 merger talks in Windham Southeast Supervisory
Union, Vernon officials now are asking voters whether the town’s school
district should strike out on its own.
On Aug. 9, Vernon voters
will consider pulling out of the regional Brattleboro Union High School
District. If the measure is approved, the town would be exiting a
five-town educational union that has existed for six decades.
say Vernon Elementary School students would still be able to attend
Brattleboro’s middle and high schools — albeit under a new tuition
But exiting the union would have an impact at the
administrative level: The rest of Windham Southeast would be free to
pursue a merger under Act 46, while Vernon would be able to seek an
option that allows the town to preserve its coveted school choice setup.
us, school choice is important,” said Mike Hebert, Vernon School Board
chairman. “We believe it’s in the best interest of our students.”
added that the board will be holding two public informational sessions
in July — the dates of which will be announced via a mailer — to answer
questions before the August vote.

Mike Hebert is chairman of the Vernon School Board. File photo by Andrew Stein/VTDigger
“It sounds very simple, but it’s actually a very complicated issue,” he said.
talks have been complicated from the outset in Windham Southeast, which
includes schools in Brattleboro, Dummerston, Guilford, Putney and
Act 46, approved by the Legislature in 2015, pushes for
larger school districts throughout Vermont. A study committee in Windham
Southeast spent months looking closely at an Act 46 “accelerated
merger” of all districts in the union; under that plan, each school
would have remained open but would have been governed by a single
collective board.
Advocates of the idea touted state tax
incentives for accelerated mergers, operational cost reductions and
greater educational equity — a key goal of Act 46. But the
proposal was controversial, with some questioning the transparency of the process and the potential loss of local control.
officials protested the most, since it seemed clear the town would lose
its unique school choice options under a merger with other Windham
Southeast districts. Starting in seventh grade, Vernon students
currently can be tuitioned to schools other than Brattleboro, and some
attend nearby Pioneer Valley in Massachusetts.
State education
officials have said districts in any given merger must have — or adopt —
the same structure when it comes to the grades for which they operate
schools or tuition students.
Vernon eventually
pulled out of Windham Southeast merger talks. Amid the ensuing confusion, leaders of the Act 46 committee acknowledged they
could not meet a June 30 deadline for member towns to vote on an accelerated merger.
then, Act 46 merger discussions have continued in Windham Southeast,
but Vernon representatives have not returned to their seats on the study
The upcoming vote in Vernon — approved this week by
the town school board — appears to be a way to possibly resolve that
The problem is that Vernon and the other towns currently
are bound together in the Brattleboro Union High School District, also
known as BUHS District No. 6. “As long as Vernon’s a member of BUHS,
legally, you can’t do anything in Windham Southeast unless Vernon votes
on it,” Chris Leopold, a Burlington attorney consulting on the local
merger talks, told the Act 46 committee at a recent meeting.
the current multistep plan looks like this: If Vernon voters decide Aug.
9 to leave the BUHS union, the other four towns would be allowed to
vote in November on whether to approve Vernon’s departure and on whether
to form a new consolidated school district among themselves.
The State Board of Education also would need to weigh in on both of those issues.
said he’s in favor of Vernon leaving the BUHS union. Becoming an
“independent district” keeps the town’s school choice in place, he said,
while preserving the town school board, its budgetary authority and
ownership of the Vernon Elementary building.
Vernon students still
would be able to attend Brattleboro’s middle and high schools, Hebert
said, since the town school district would be contracting with Windham
Southeast Supervisory Union. “Historically, 75 to 80 percent of our
students have gone to Brattleboro,” he said. “We see no reason why that
should change.”
But there are many issues for officials and
residents to consider. At a June 16 Act 46 study committee meeting,
Leopold said Vernon’s upcoming vote could break new ground.
is no school district in Vermont that has voted and left a union school
district since the current statutory scheme went into place. … It goes
back to the late 1960s, early 1970s,” Leopold said. “There’s very little
history here.”

Southeast Supervisory Union Superintendent Ron Stahley listens as
Education Secretary Rebecca Holcombe answers a question during a meeting
in Putney. File photo by Mike Faher/VTDigger
questions are a big part of the union departure debate. Officials have
been weighing Vernon’s interest in BUHS assets, its share of debt
related to the high school and its future tuition payments if it pulls
out of the union.
Preliminarily, it appears it all would add up to
“kind of a wash,” Windham Southeast Superintendent Ron Stahley said
Wednesday. By that, he means officials expect no significant negative
financial impact for Vernon or for the districts that would remain in
the reconfigured BUHS No. 6.
Hebert confirmed that, for Vernon, it appears that “we could do this at a not-significant amount of cost to the town.”
at the study committee meeting earlier this month, Windham Southeast
Business Administrator Frank Rucker cautioned that these are only
estimates. “This is what would need to be analyzed and agreed to” among
the school districts, Rucker said.
There’s also the question of
what Vernon could do as an independent district to meet the goals of Act
46. It’s possible Vernon could seek to merge with other districts that
have similar school choice setups, but that could be difficult
geographically, Hebert said.
He’s hoping that, ultimately, the
State Board of Education and Agency of Education will see fit to allow
Vernon to remain unaffiliated. “We want to form an independent,
alternative district,” he said.
Stahley, who has advocated for the
benefits of consolidation in Windham Southeast, said he still would
like Vernon to join the other districts in a possible regional merger.
But he also understands Vernon officials’ desire to gauge their
constituents’ appetite to leave the union.
“I think in the long
run, if they do this, and in a year or two or three they feel like it’s
better to join a unified district. We would welcome them,” Stahley said.