Blog Archive

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Great Job Everyone

Great Job .. were getting the word out . Keep sharing . Posters will be out soon for the SC meeting . They will be located in all towns , including school choice towns ( we added Winchester ) .
The blog has been alive for 1 week today .
Votes were
Unanimous that her contract be bought out or fired .
Largest read posts were in order:

Save the Dup
Open Letter to School Committee
Video of SC meeting
Be careful who you Judge Ms. Magi
Mohawk, Pioneer among ‘best schools’ in US News & World Report
Just Wow
Congratulations Class of 2016!!
 Ruth Miller under a different name
So you care about the kids
The building  
 Keep spreading the word . We are strong in numbers, and we must save our school and Mike Duprey . 3000 strong .

Friday, June 10, 2016

Be careful who you Judge Ms. Magi

Well Ms Magi, the year is 2016, and personally I find it refreshing that a teenager who deeply cares about her school and teachers , would come and speak the truth of what is hurting  her and her school. To call the child obnoxious , I find appalling , coming from a woman in your position.
I am also confused as to your statement  about the parents who left , they would of known the truth?  I only wish Ms. Miller  would understand that her actions are also in question . A Superintendent  should actually know her job and its troubling to know she has lied a number of times concerning these teachers and Admin and the media .As for her not discussing personnel matters, it sure didn't take her long to contact the media about Mr Wherli or Mr. Duprey .hmm  Now I don't know about you but lying is not something I am sure many people want there kids taught  by a school official. Yes, Ms Magi, we did research on you and found that your seat is also in question, due to your behavior.
Be careful who you Judge , if you yourself do not also want to be  Judged .

Suggestion from a reader

I got an email from a reader who suggested because we have school of choice , we contact the Reformer in Brattleboro , so taxpayers in Vernon are also informed .
I think its a great idea and will contact them.
Was also told should contact Keene Sentinel, since Winchester NH is looking at  PVRS as a choice school. I agree that they should be informed of the happenings as well before making this choice.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Mohawk, Pioneer among ‘best schools’ in US News & World Report

 Talk about talking the talk and not walking the walk . Chairwoman Pat Shearer states and I quote "We’ve got a wonderful group of teachers and administrators that are top-notch. That really helps make the kids what they are." Wouldn't you think she would want to protect them?

Really Pat! You have turned your backs not only on these kids , but the teachers and Admins as well. Its time ALL taxpayers, parents and students take a stand for the school before we have no school left . Our Admins and teachers who made this a reality are leaving in shiploads. How can we  be proud as a school , when what made our school is being torn apart by a Superintendence who has done nothing but destroy the moral of the teachers and kids ?  

The goal is not only to Remove Ruth Miller, but make damn sure she does not do this to another school , like what was done to us.Not to Mention Templeton.

Mohawk, Pioneer among ‘best schools’ in US News & World Report

Recorder Staff
Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Two of Franklin County’s regional high schools received “silver medal” rankings, placing them among the nation’s top 9 percent of “Best High Schools,” according to US News and World Report.
The magazine’s ranking process began with 28,561 high schools, before it was winnowed down to 19,908. The highest-performing 6,218 high schools nationwide were then ranked. About 2.5 percent were given gold medal rankings, 11 percent (including Pioneer and Mohawk) received silver ranking, and about 18 percent received bronze. The roughly two-thirds remaining did not receive a “medal award.” Altogether, 89 out of 353 Massachusetts high schools received a gold, silver or bronze medal.
The criteria was based on whether each school’s students were performing better than statistically expected for students in that state (using the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System, or MCAS test results in Massachusetts).
Pioneer Valley Regional High School was ranked as 69th in Massachusetts, while the Mohawk Trail Regional High School was 74th in the state. Both schools ranked within the top 21 percent of all Massachusetts public schools that were evaluated for this report.
According to US News, about 32 percent of Pioneer Valley Regional School students take Advance Placement courses, and the graduation rate is 91 percent. Based on MCAS scores, 97 percent of students ranked proficient in English and 93 percent are proficident in math.
“Hallelujah,” exclaimed Pioneer school board Chairwoman Pat Shearer, when told of the news. “That has happened to us maybe 10 years ago. I’ve saved the magazine. That is so great. We’ve got a wonderful group of teachers and administrators that are top-notch. That really helps make the kids what they are. It starts from kindergarten on, not just the high school,” Shearer added. “We’ve had graduates go on to military academies, Harvard and Yale, other so-called ‘superschools.’”
US News reported that Mohawk’s graduation rate is 92 percent, and that 26 percent are enrolled in advanced placement courses. The students’ English proficiency is 92 percent and math proficiency is 87 percent, based on state MCAS results.
“I am delighted that Mohawk High School has been awarded a silver medal by U.S. News & World Report in their 2016 ranking of the best high schools in the United States,” said Mohawk Superintendent Michael Buoniconti. He said the ranking puts Mohawk in the top 21 percent of all high schools in the state.
“I am very proud of our students, educators and families who have all contributed significantly to this noteworthy achievement,” Buoniconti said.
Both Franklin County high schools have about 500 students, but the student-teacher ratio for Pioneeer was 12:1 and the Mohawk ratio was 16:1. Also, about one-third of Mohawk students were deemed “economically disadvantaged,” as were about one-fourth of the Pioneer students. Both schools ranked above the state average in terms of academic proficiency.
Mahar bronze The Ralph C. Mahar High School in Orange received a bronze medal in this “best schools” ranking, placing above the state average for math and English proficiency. (The numerical rankings stopped at 75.)
Mahar’s graduation rate is 81 percent; its student proficiency in English is 96 percent and, in math,


PVRS. This is Data based on the 2013-2014 school year. Dayle Dorion was Superintendent .Pioneer school board Chairwoman Pat Shearer, says what a wonderful group of teachers and Admins we have , I am confused here because those wonderful teachers and Admins are jumping ship by the boat loads , and this committee has done nothing to stop it or help them. The ones who deserve this credit and support are being driven out of the school by our new Superintendent Ruth Miller, and our Head of the School Committee is allowing this to happen. Losing these people has been tragic , Mr Wherli, Sharon Jones , but most of all our beloved Mike Duprey , as well as a number of teachers who are all looking elsewhere . These are the people who made Pioneer , and these are the people you have turned your backs on. This is a disgrace to our school and those who worked hard helping these kids achieve. Mike Duprey for instance, look at all he has done for this school in 26 years, he teaches kids to believe in themselves ,because he shows them that he believes in them, and you throw him aside like he was nothing . Let me tell you Pat, he means a great deal to us all and to these kids . In the last year ( 2015-2016) we have been watching and we have seen a school full of Spirit slowly die, and you know this to be true, a number of us showed up at the school meeting in May,( its on Video) and you have done NOTHING. This school committee is making some very bad choices and this is far from over , look for yourselves Tell us , Where do you think we will stand a year from now or two? You,the School Committee right now have the power to save PVRS are you gonna do it? Suggestion, we need to ask Dayle Dorion to step back in till we find a Superintendent who fits our school and spirit , before PVRS is lost .

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Open letter to PVRS School Committee

Open letter to PVRS School Committee

We have come to you with our concerns and feel you are not addressing them, Concerning Ruth Miller.

1- Why are you not addressing the Teachers and Admins concerns?
2- Why are you  not addressing the concerns of the parents and Tax payers?
3-Why are you not listening to the children?

We have come before you and will continue to come until you take action. Templeton was warned not to say anything negative about Ruth Miller that the town calls Ruthless, because they wanted her gone. Was it right NO! Unfortunately many are  understanding  why now, except you !

According to a  citizen  from Templeton, who asked not to be named , Ruth has a way of moving the numbers  around and you will not see this till its to late. She talks a great talk to you , but its a whole different story behind your backs.
Its time each of you on this board talk to our teachers and find out just what is going on. Ask them how she talks to them I was told by a Templeton Employee, how she demands , and how its her way or no way . Ask how she writes letters and demands them to be sign by another. While your at it call Franklin Tech and speak to the principal who worked under her , when she destroyed a memorial dedicated to children who had died from accidents or sicknesses , NOT one of them were suicides , ask how she blamed this on  the trauma center , but when asked  for a comment by  the News 22 team , she had no comment and suddenly the Principal is apologizing .( From Templeton writer Shaun Rickan was the nice guy principal who fell on the sword for her and left shortly after the memorial thing went down. What a shame. Shaun wasn’t the principal long here and was looking for a better future away from her.) Sound familiar? Our Principal, Vice Principal , teachers , Sharon Jones, HOW MUCH MORE DO WE HAVE TO LOSE BEFORE YOU RIGHT THIS WRONG?Ask why she left that school before she had to and about the Bio Mass Furnace with the price tag of ....($3,500,000.00) .. its all public info on the net . Look it up.
Ask her about what her first move was when she came to Templeton: ANSWER : Her first act was to move central office.hmmm .
What will PVRS do when they lose School Choice? Do you honestly think that Vernon Tax payers are gonna put up with this ? You have been warned by her previous school district,many of which is information on the internet ,  and school choice  well thats a BIG hunk of change to lose .NH will not be able to cover that loss even if they decide to deal with you, than what? Also, what do you think NH will think when they learn of all this? Trust me they already know .
Buying her out of her contract now  should be done, while we still have a school , and you still have your JOBS! You were elected in and can easily be elected out . Remember , its the tax payers who will have the final say , and from what I have seen and heard , they are not happy . 
Maybe we could ask Dayle Dorion to step back in till we resolve this issue .
As a wise man said who lived the Ruthless Nightmare, its like leading calves to slaughter

Peggy here is your heads up.
“Personally, I’ve never felt less in-the-know as a member of the School Committee,” added fellow Committee Member Peggy Kaeppel

School Rankings

Pioneer is a Top Ranked School by the US News and World Report. Pioneer was awarded a national silver medal and is one of two schools in Franklin County that received this award.
Pioneer Valley Regional is ranked 69th within Massachusetts schools. To be eligible for a state ranking, a school must be awarded a national gold or silver medal.
Pioneer Valley Regional is ranked 69th within Massachusetts schools.
Superintendent Miller

This is what Miller posted  on the PVRS page on Facebook.
You can't take credit for a previous school Superintendents rankings . This was 2013-2014 under Dayle Dorion.
This is Ruth Millers rankings from her previous school.…/nar…/narragansett-regional-high-9453
This school is unranked by U.S. News.
Narragansett Regional High is unranked in the National Rankings. Schools are ranked based on their performance on state-required tests and how well they prepare students for college
I wonder how long we will hold this ranking when its rechecked for the following years??

Year 2015-2016
1-  Moral is at a  -100%-loss
2-Teachers and Administration loss  100%
Total average score 0%

The credit for the score in 2013-2014 was due to the Administration and Teachers . All of which we are losing at an alarming rate .


Monday, June 6, 2016

Just wow!

One of the parents I have been talking to who was very involved in Templeton sent me this email. After he watched the video.

WoW people kind of told it like it is at pioneer.
I can see the message is consistent miller must go. Not sure she heard it but she I think looks down to those who were talking.
Pity she is only ½ human and can’t see past her nose. She could be one of the best and has chosen the path she walks over and over.
I at the end was hearing things about the reconciliation and audio was poor and camera off angle. Do they allow a budget to be public or have you FOIA requested it.
It sounds like ruthless may have a problem with it and when the years end it gets to a point where the books get cooked to make it through.
Things to look for are  changes from the previous budget to now. It helps to catch changes from year to year when the spread sheet has multiyear columns.
Ruthless will start to change these around and consolidate to thro off the numbers as to be harder to follow.
Our advisory committee chairman wanted help with our towns budget and I went over to his house as we looked through it I found 5 items we voted at town meeting to transfer to another account and the accounting numbers from one to the new one were not as we voted them to be. I was able to find many errors that would be a reason for the DOR to stomp on our town we were catch prior to the  meeting and changes made the week of the ATM.
Sometimes we look to hard and can’t see it. As for ruthless she can hide it and move it like the best can. When the selectmen back her and tell the SC to be behind her they are covering their own backs and I from what I heard can smell a problem. I would predict a large shortfall in the end of year or next year budget and if the E+D fund is dry, look out.
That calls for a prop2 ½ override and is how she operates. Spend now as much as she can and when the town fights back the SC and other boards go lock step to get what they can for the kids. Because it’s all about the kids. Budgets are the key and when she moves away ,( and she will  when she gets in over her head) than she doesn’t have to see what she is doing to the system and the people in it.  The budget info at year’s end  can tell you what’s  in store for the system and people who work there.
It would have been nice to hear the ones who say the  boards should back ruthless should also be backing the teachers  too.
Funny you didn’t hear that did you? She has them baffled with bullshit about her budget.
Sorry name removed

Ruth Miller old School in Templeton Speaks to PVRS

Statement from a Templeton Blog
So where have we heard this before?

Scott McKusick, a clerk of the works who examined the mold situation, said at the meeting that the mold was minor, and could have been easily remediated. He sees the administration’s decision as a poor use of taxpayer money.
There's 36,000.00 the budget will never see again.
Along with the new furniture to make her comfortable.
All the extras this new home didn't have to offer she will get new.
The cost to move and will she then be happy in here new place at Pioneer away from Pioneer. How long will it take the school committee to get the mold taken care of and move her back where she belongs?
Does she work for them or does the school committee work for her?
If pioneer school district people will take any advise it's this. Please form and support a group to keep an eye on her and the school committee or your kids will pay the price if you don't.You're kids and their education should be on the top of this list.
With all educations a graduate will only look back to what could have been and wonder if the support they had through it was enough.
It's up to you to support those who step up to the challenge to lead and not just follow for the good of the schools kids.
"HELP"  stop this problem in it's tracks


Dear School Committee, Teachers and the town of Templeton,

First of all I would like to say how sorry I am for all you have been thru  with Ruth Miller. For the parents who suffered so much pain with the memorial , I can't begin to tell you how heartless this is  or why someone could be so cruel. I truly am sorry .

I want you all to understand why I am writing to you today . I am a parent of  students at PVRS.  My children , like yours are suffering , what  was once a joy to go to school is now a challenge , and not just for my children , but all of them . They now  have to face  losing there beloved principal Mike Duprey . This is a man  who shows kids he cares and believes in them , and in turn they  learn to believe in themselves and that they are capable of achieving  there dreams. He is NOT  resigning because of the kids , he is leaving because of Ruth Miller and what  she is doing to our school. He loves the kids and he loves this school. She has taken our spirit  and  what we once believed in and broken us. For a parent this is so hard to watch as I am sure it was for you.
I have read the destruction she did not  only to your school but also your town. So for the life of me , I have to ask  why would you  misrepresent yourselves  to our school when  we came to talk  to you about her ?  Why would you not speak up of the destruction she did to ALL of you ?  Why did you just NOT  renew her contract? Why did your school board not fire her ? Why would you do this to another school, knowing what she was capable of?
I am now asking you, to please come forward and tell the truth. She can no longer hurt you, but she can hurt our children, teachers and schools and has. Just since she has been here we lost our Principal 3 days before Christmas. No explanation , except to speak to her and guess what? We received no answers. We have had 4 Administrators, all admired and love , suddenly up and leave, and again no answers. Teachers leaving . These are children who are being hurt by these actions and  YOU could of stopped this .
So , I am respectfully  asking you to please come forward . Do the right thing and help these teachers and kids. Its not to late to speak the truth. I get you wanted her gone, we do too , and with your help a wrong can  be made right for all. 

Thank you for your time

The numbers are growing


Get the word out , tell your friends and others . This is our schools and our tax dollars . 



Up Date on School Committee Meeting

Miller has changed the date from June 16th/ to June 23rd/. Funny how school is out than .I don't know about you , but I see shenanigans (secret or dishonest activity or maneuvering going on here??? ) The meeting will be at PVRS at the Library .( it was updated at the SC meeting in May, but that part of the video was not recorded )

 UPDATE 6-9-16


Stay tuned to the blog for updates concerning this meeting .

In other news concerning our Superintendent ::
When Ruth Miller was  Winnacunnet High School Principal Ruth Leveille, it shows a pattern here that  she does not play well with others , and we can certainly see  that this seems to be her history . 

Reasons stating for  not renewing her contract were:
1- "He said I didn't get along with the other administrators," Leveille said as the reason she was given.( wow no surprise here and the date of this article was Feb 1, 2011  )
2=-- Zito who  she complained about well.. this is what happen to him, all I can say is Good Choice's were  made here .

WHS Principal Honored   State Association Cites Randy Zito as a 'Role Model'

When being interviewed  she stated if she did not come to PVRS she would of stayed in Templeton. I do not feel ( or others from Templeton ) that was the truth, and history is showing it was very doubtful.  PVRS cannot  take her another year let alone 8.

It time to evaluate the school board

It has come to my attention , that what we need to do is  evaluate the school board , as well as the school committee members involved in the search. They are the ones who were suppose to check her out and they were responsible for hiring her.
So what we need to ask is ,

1- Who were the ones who were tasked to check  her back ground and references? We want their  names.We want to know who needs to  be held accountable .

2- Who talked to her previous school? Again names .

I mean if. .  I do not think her personal  skills with the teachers and kids, qualify her to be a part of the PVRS district .

3- Here is the original form for looking at a subcommittee- We need Names of who were on this committee.

Superintendent Search Committee Member submission  Form

4- A copy of the letter sent to Templeton stating  that the Committee would be interviewing Ruth Miller in Templeton ,Mass . Was an interview done ? Were  the Teachers and Principal spoken to ? Who did the interview. Who did they speak to?

Pioneer Teacher contract   2015-2018\Mass+DOE\Websearch\T-PioneerValleyRegional-18-accessible.htm

bb.        *Superintendent: The person employed by the school committee pursuant to M.G.L. c. 71 §59 and §59A. 

 Sadly I was told by a Templeton member , they spoke good of her to get rid of her. Can't say I blame them , but it sadly did not  help  stop her for the next school in line. Unfortunately it's us.

Sunday, June 5, 2016


School Committee  Meeting May 26, 2016

You  will hear alot of things that the Recorder did not mention.

Also make sure you scroll down  and vote .

Magi makes me laugh .. she left out how she wants to buy a 450,000.00 Building , now  being rented, done at her meeting . ( already posted )

Lois also needs to watch the Finances .. she  sure has a surprise coming .