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Friday, June 10, 2016

Be careful who you Judge Ms. Magi

Well Ms Magi, the year is 2016, and personally I find it refreshing that a teenager who deeply cares about her school and teachers , would come and speak the truth of what is hurting  her and her school. To call the child obnoxious , I find appalling , coming from a woman in your position.
I am also confused as to your statement  about the parents who left , they would of known the truth?  I only wish Ms. Miller  would understand that her actions are also in question . A Superintendent  should actually know her job and its troubling to know she has lied a number of times concerning these teachers and Admin and the media .As for her not discussing personnel matters, it sure didn't take her long to contact the media about Mr Wherli or Mr. Duprey .hmm  Now I don't know about you but lying is not something I am sure many people want there kids taught  by a school official. Yes, Ms Magi, we did research on you and found that your seat is also in question, due to your behavior.
Be careful who you Judge , if you yourself do not also want to be  Judged .


  1. Nothing like disregarding a whole community of people who came with their issues and concerns.

  2. Sad how that happened and nobody on the SC board did a thing to address these concerns, nor defended the teachers or Admins who left, or who are leaving, but how quickly they were to comment on the school when it was voted to be one of the best in the state . I agree with Anonymous, they totally disregarded these parents, kids and teachers, and what Ms. Magi stated about the child nearly knocked me out of my seat. How disgraceful.

  3. I agree changes come with new administrations. However,the cost and losses this school is enduring in such a short period of time, makes you step back and wonder just what is going on here. Its a shame that we are losing so many great teachers and Administrators, and word around town more are also looking to leave . So again, I have to ask , what is going on? I also stand with the two comments above, why are you attacking a child and her mother? I too find it refreshing to see a child who cares enough to take a stand for what she believes in.

  4. An apology is due to the child.

  5. So as Ruthless gave the news paper information she said was inaccurate about a retirement of the principal one would think the article would have the person retiring party info also for the article. Did she know the truth would look bad so misinformation would do better. She is so quick to throw anyone under the bus when needed.
    I also think the selectmen should step down if no apology is forthcoming for the child.
    Templeton has many scares from her.

    1. Its so bad Dave . Wish Templeton would of been more forth coming , than just trying to get rid of her on someone else. Our school has paid a high price for what was done.

  6. If we entrust a result from those we choose to represent us the blame needs to be focused to the executive board who did the Hire. The result of their action and obtuse reason to not want another search speaks volumes.
    The responsibility for your problems is for the ones who wouldn't listen to the advise of their own search committee. As Templeton was visited and part of the background information a simple check like Deb has done tells a larger story even Templeton didn't know about her past. When she was hired here it was for a assistant and i believe was hired by the superintendent at the time.
    If the search team didn't check all the past employment listed on her history,there is the reason for your schools problem with her.NRSD was her first time as a Superintendent and knowing that would or should have got a second look. But your SC chose not to. I call that obtuse. Her contract at NRSD was not up yet. She left early and like the Pioneer system there were problems with a principal.I know first hand about the role of the principal and his absolute responsibility for the buildings. She threw him under the bus like a spike strip under a stolen car.


    Anonymous June 14, 2016 at 1:10 PM

    Sadly some people are aware that the committee which was formed to help interview these candidates recommended not hiring Ruth Miller and the School Committee DID NOT want to open a new search and hired her anyway . So this could be the answer as to why they do not want her past brought into question. Share this blog and get the word out. Information like numbers are powerful.
