Blog Archive

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Good Luck today Panthers --- UPDATE



A history run down

Yes, we are all upset  about how our school system is being handled along with our teachers and students.
So lets go over history .

1- Dayle Dorion leaves so we look for a new superintendent . ( First question here should of been what did the SC do to make her leave)
A committee goes to Templeton, Mass to check out Miller - It was stated she was not first choice  and not recommended. When the first choice fell thru , instead of reopening the search the School Committee  decides to hire Miller .
( We will learn later Miller still had another year on her contract with Templeton and Templeton people and teachers will fill us in on why she left.Go to the blogs history and start in June for more reminders )
She arrives at our school and suddenly  our Principal of 8 years ups and leaves without any warning .
( We do know that it was due to verbal abuse , threatening and the Superintendent award that she was clueless about and he had witnesses who heard her and our SC refused to do anything or step in  )
She goes to the newspaper and states that we have a shortage of funds from past administration, when in fact it was because she did not understand  school choice and how it was paid and that different districts paid at different times. Never retracted her first statement .
She than goes again to the newspaper about our principal and out right lies
 December 22, 2015
NORTHFIELD — William Wehrli, a former school administrator in Amherst, is leaving his position as principal of Pioneer Valley Regional School.

“He made an announcement to the staff” Monday, said Superintendent Ruth Miller, asked Monday night about Wehrli’s reported resignation.

Miller later offered a brief statement: “Mr. Wehrli served the school district for many years, he has decided to pursue opportunities elsewhere, we are thankful for his years of service to the district and we wish him well.”

Miller declined to answer further questions, including how Wehrli will be replaced.

Reached at home, Wehrli confirmed that he is resigning but offered no explanation. Asked why he is leaving, Wehrli responded, “You’ll have to talk to the superintendent.”

Wehrli said he loved working in the district for eight years and will miss the staff.

Yep, that sounds like a man ready to move on to new ventures .

Than she decides she needs a new building ( This after missing funds statement) which FYI she has done everywhere she has been employed  wanting a new building . So now were footing a rental.
Than Sharon Jones get promoted by the SC and she moves into the new building   and suddenly she is gone.
Tech decides its not in his best interest to stay and we can now only assume why , but rumor has it he refused to do certain thing against his ethics.
Teachers and Administration fearful of using  email due to she is reading them and listening  on the phone conversations being  recorded. Now granted we all know that this can happen in any work force , however it is usually  done under paranoia not work ethics .( whoops guess we know why the tech left )
 Than Mr Duprey .. a man of honor and integrity who from the first day our children walked into school  taught them exactly that and how they were able to achieve anything  if they just believed , and showed these kids he believed in them. He took time for them, he listened and he guided and each child he knew by name . Yes, when you came to PVRS it was family , and it was honor and respect . He also knew how to bring the hammer down when kids  needed  it or were outta line. However, it was done with respect and dignity not a side show for everyone to be involved or humiliating the child  or basically shutting down a school day to perform this event .
Why did he leave? It had to do with his integrity and the fact that a teacher (or para) should of been fired not hand slapped,for touching a child , his refusal to sign papers Miller wrote,  verbal abuse from Miller , actions not fitting of a Superintendent , and a SC who KNEW all this and more not stepping in to stop it .
Lets also not forget Our superintendent also went to the newspaper the evening of Pops Concert  ( for Saturdays morning newspaper release ) telling them that Mr Duprey was retiring . She out right lied AGAIN to the public ,, This was due to she demanded he come to Pop Concert where the teachers,  parents and students were all gathered and make his announcement ,he chose not to. Again his integrity  and love for all of us he refused to lie.This is just a little of what he went thru . It only gets worst .
Superintendents comment to the paper that evening
 Mike Dupreys response
Yes , he said health reason and the stress that was becoming unbearable and again a School Committee who knew what was going on and was told by him and others  DID NOTHING .

 So now we have lost some major players at PVRS and the ones who made and molded this school to achieve this award Dayle Dorion, Mr Wherli , Mike Duprey, Sharon Jones and others . 

How do you think we stand now ? Low moral among teachers and students = Low test scores  and desire to learn or teach at full capacity.
Kids who once believed they were capable of achieving anything are  suddenly thrown into what  I would call a prison environment being followed into a bathroom and having an escort to leave study hall . . and this is just what we know of .

We told you here before the Principal was chosen it would be the Superintendents pick and not a good choice. She was chosen due to lack of experience  and easily lead . She needed a puppet  and this was prime choice.
Those papers you saw them holding  at Open House during the meeting were hand delivered by Miller who than quickly vanished or was in an area to listen .\
So to the new Principal here is an example of what your following::

Winnacunnet High School Principal Ruth Leveille- Miller 

 Winnacunnet was Leveille's first job as principal. The first two years she served under a two-year contract; this year under a one-year contract. which will not be renewed.

A past VP was brought in to assume most of her duties especially ones that had to do with  teachers , as stated it read :
 Zito said he was brought in, "to help heal a staff that wasn't getting along.
Reason for  letting her go:
Unable to get along with staff and Administration
Poor leadership skills
 When asked  Gaylord's ( Superintendent ) reasoning was in not recommending Leveille a new contract,  it concerned leadership and
didn't get along with the other administrators.

Now seriously is this really the leadership you wish to follow ? Just curious and this is only a bit of information ,we have so much more. Unlike what you think we are trying to save you . As for Jenn our new VP she is PVRS material and we fear for her . You could see her anxiety Open House night and when speaking . We also watched when she interacted  with others , she was calm and relaxed till the Principal showed up and she would move on. Actions speak louder than words .

So here we are . We are now dysfunctional , have a school committee that is useless , another committee who is suppose to speak for us but missing and a new parents committee who we still have hope for .

Like a good friend said to me :

How do we teach them to be trustworthy when they are told, they are not worth trust, or respect as people?

                                                                       Were watching

                                 300 plus people already hit here today and its not even 10 am .


Friday, September 16, 2016

Where we are at

We started this blog at the end of the school year June 2016 . As of today

Page views all time history
Page views today alone are 
I say we have a growing number of concerned  Parents and Citizens.
Not to mention 14 teachers were not in school today .It also happened last year when a dozen or more were out at a single time. 
Low moral, poor guidance and leadership and the School Committee has yet to see we have a problem that is growing and not going away . 
Seems these kind of problems follow our Superintendent . When is the SC going to face facts and realize  what a mistake was made and we need our OLD Administration back , before we have no school.  
 Unlike what a certain few think we do not want drugs in our school and the kids if they have done wrong will be held accountable. What we don't like is where our school is headed and  how its being managed .PERIOD.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Just not acceptable- Just updated - UPDATED AGAIN

Tonight before I left to go to the Open House I talked with my husband and decided to go with an open mind and listen. Well once  we all sat down  and the Principal and the VP started to talk  I listened  hoping to hear something that would make sense to what was going on at PVRS  and than we heard from the resource officer ( my opinion is still out on him) . It wasn't until they  started taking questions that I started getting  upset. I don't like a liar and I have no respect for a manipulator .
My first thought listening to her was, is this woman for real. Does she think  that telling us basically  that our children are over reacting that we are not gonna believe what they are telling us? I mean how can so many children have the same story? But the real one that got to me was how she trashed our past Administrators , how they did not follow the rules written in the book and how they are being followed now . That she had been  told kids  would leave the class to go to the bathroom and travel around to the one in the middle school in past years, Really? You used that concept to try and justify your actions as to what is going on now with kids being followed into the bathrooms and needing hall passes like an elementary school child ?Again Really?? Well our past Administration called it the  honor code , in case your not aware of what that is (and your actions have proven you don't)  it means :

An academic honor code or honor system is a set of rules or ethical principles governing an academic community based on ideals that define what constitutes honorable behavior within that community.

 Why would you disgrace and humiliate these kids in this manner? What do you think made PVRS like family? We honor and respect each other not degrade or humiliate another to gain power.

These kids were taught from the start  about honor, respect , and love of there school. Those teachers you were talking trash  about not following some rules were the ones who taught them and made them into high achievers and made this school one of the best and like FAMILY. How dare you dishonor them in anyway  especially after your actions these last weeks. These kids would of NEVER seen the display you put on by our past Administration . It was done quietly and behind the scenes, they did not disrupt an entire school day to display this sideshow you put on. It was disgraceful and degraded our values. Your actions were unjustified.

Also, when you stated that you did not do the searches the VP did because you needed to remain neutral in case a parent  was upset , YOU LIED! I and others saw you  bending over into the trunk of a car and you had a bag in your hand. Did you just happen to be in the parking lot and chose a car and open its trunk and look inside for something to do while the VP stood way back and the parent and child  stood and watched? Just curious.    

I would also like to mention in all the years I have gone to Open House I have NEVER seen such a low turn out , nor so many people get up and walk out at once. Tonight you lost the respect of many and I do not see a recovery for you .  The teachers were different and not the same , the whole atompshire was wrong and you could feel the tension and emotions .The pride and honor we stood for and respected was gone. Children are not happy and this is what saddens  us the most . 

We all gave you the chance to show us what you had and how you would handle the school and yourself.   You had the oppounity to be welcomed and instead you blew it . You could of shown respect for the kids and friendship , instead you chose to run this  school like a reform school .You could of taken the time to learn about Pioneer and the kids ( oh thats right you said you did .. lie 2) but it clearly shows you did not. Instead you humiliated, degraded and made us a laughing stock with people who are now  saying pioneer pot heads and the drug school among a few sweet quotes we are seeing on Facebook . YOU HURT OUR KIDS and OUR SCHOOL and that's not acceptable. 

I might also add its pretty damn sad when you are seeing parents come out of the school saying they made a mistake sending there child here and they were school choice. Just what kind of message does that send to others who may of been looking into sending a child to PVRS ? 

School Committee wake up your messes are piling up here fast .


Principal Bacon stated she was not Involved with the searches - another parent just came forward and stated Principal Bacon was the one who did the search.

Open House

Open House should be interesting tonight . Lets see how that goes . Will report back  after .

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Mass Law on Search and Seizure in Schools

 Some  info for you .

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Look like were off on a bad foot

Well, I have a question .. where is this so called new committee who is suppose to be watching over Miller and the others and working for the students and teachers best interest ? If anything like today is an example of that , your failing miserably . These kids are very upset and feel they have lost  what little was left of there school.

From what we have been able to find out :
1- Someone reported drugs being sold in our school and it involved 4 students .
2- 3 were suspended .Not sure if it was because drugs were found or what the reason was checking into that . Will update when we know .
3- We are having people check now as to what was and wasn't legally done in these searches .We know lockers, and backpacks IF in lockers and desks are searchable, however the cars and a backpack carried with you is considered personal .
4- Threatening and ultimatums are also NOT acceptable, nor scare tactics.

What happen today at PVRS and how it was handled was totally outta line  and unacceptable. A whole school was disrupted and the kids felt scared and unsafe by the people we trust to protect them . . Parents should be outraged  that this is happening to our school  and to our children .

If drugs are in our school , than handle it properly and bring the kids in. How you handled this today was deplorable and highly unprofessional. Kids were calling there parents at work and home scared and not wanting to be in school . These children are in this school to learn and be taught , not be terrorized and fearful to even go to the damn bathroom.The kids are saying it has turned into a prison and the Principal is borderline psycho.

So please new school committee tell us how your gonna fix this fine mess? Templeton warned us and nobody listened that should of . We have a School Committee with its head buried in the sand and our school once loved and honored is now a place of dread. Great job!

Lets also add these  few goodies to the pot
1- Kids need a hall pass now, 2 people cannot go to the bathroom at the same time.
(nothing like turning back the clock and  going back to elementary school)

2- Not allowed to leave study hall to get extra help , unless of course you have a pass.

3-No longer are couches allowed in senior lounge, like one girl said -" there afraid we might have sex". I am sorry but think about it for just a minute , can you even imagine Mike Duprey humiliating or degrading these kids in this way? No you wouldn't .

4 - Boys are being followed into the bathrooms by Resource officer and Girls by a  HR person. 

Seriously I have to ask where are these peoples minds at ? Miller and Bacon are not  PVRS material and they must go.Bacon  showed beyond a doubt today she is not ready to be a principal nor is she capable to handle it .  Poor leadership and judgement calls are not acceptable nor to be tolerated. Today this blog blew up with over 427 people on  site  between 2-5 this afternoon.  This is no longer about new management , its about poor leadership.

Urgent Alert for PVRS parents

 This was just posted on Facebook by a parent

My oldest son just called me and said his school is searching kids cars for drugs. I do not agree with this without a parent being there. This is bullshit.

Heads up parents

It has come to our attention that  our new "Resource Officer " is following the boys in the bathrooms .and Locker rooms. One kid was caught smoking weed and suspended, but this is also an invasion of privacy as well.
Its also been said he has a female checking the girls room and locker rooms .

What the hell is going on in Pioneer ? We have now become a policed school? Whats next dogs?

It totally amazes me how a school once loved by so many is now a disgrace . When children's privacy in a bathroom is now being invaded.

We have so many committees now  but we plan on keep updating you as to what is going on inside.

Let it be known PVRS we are watching too , and are not happy with what we are hearing . 


Monday, September 12, 2016

This make no sense.

This make no sense.

Last year we paid out (and this year the same)
Superintendents office rental $36,360.00
Superintendent Office equipment repair $5000.00

Grand Total $82,720.00
Not counting insurance , and whatever else she has under Mics Expenses which total $10,816.00 ( 2017 alone)

This is alot of money to be putting into a building when we have buildings and space  that are available in the schools to cut this cost. This is money that could be used in other areas.

Other schools in the area are finding ways to save like Union 38 ( already posted under Speak out)
With enrollment down and kids seeking Tech schools , it would be  a more positive alternative to use space we have available. This is just abuse of taxpayers dollars.
Warwick has a big school with low student enrollment  which would be a great location .

This is just way to much money to be spending when we have alternatives . She doesn't want the ones at the High School or to have fixed , so this is another option . The one taxpayers are footing the bill for now is just to much.

Now this is a move to the poistive.

OK I like this idea and I hope that more students get involved .

NORTHFIELD — When Matthew Despres was in high school, writing for his school newspaper was how he discovered his passion for journalism. Now, as an English teacher at Pioneer Valley Regional School, he wants to ensure his students have the same opportunity.
For the first time this fall, Pioneer is offering a journalism elective that will not only teach students the fundamentals of journalism, but allow them to produce a student newspaper.
Despres, who will teach the class, proposed the idea to new Pioneer Principal Jean Bacon.
“The idea to make a push for journalism was well-received,” he said. “Principal Bacon was, right off the bat, saying ‘Journalism is important. Why don’t we have a school newspaper?’”
Though Despres said Pioneer publishes the Panther Press, a literary journal, it did not have a student newspaper. He already had experience implementing a journalism program and newspaper at Revere High School, where he worked for six years.
Despres believes having a student newspaper will provide students with a better understanding of current events in their towns and allow them to “feel like they’ve had a significant voice in creating something new” at the school.
The class, which is open to juniors and seniors, has four students in its inaugural semester.
“Even though the initial cohort is small, they’ve already thought a lot about what journalism means to them,” Despres said. “They’re in it for the right reasons.”
Three of the students expressed interest in journalism as a career, Despres said, including senior Julia Duprey, who is interested in pursuing radio journalism.
“I was very lucky that this (class) started in my senior year,” Duprey said. She believes the class will give her a good basis of skills to point her in the direction of her dream career.
Despres said he and the students will discuss journalism history, ethics, law, media criticism, what it looks like to consume news, interviewing skills, writing on deadline and different styles of writing.
“(Even) if they never take another class, they’ll be thoughtful news consumers,” Despres said.
As for developing the paper, many of the details are still in the works, Despres said. He wants students to pick the name of the newspaper themselves, and hopes that grades seven to 10 can get involved too as an extracurricular activity.
Despres invites not just writers, but photographers and designers to get involved. He is also considering giving students the option to sell ads to have the full functionality of a newspaper.
Despres believes the paper will be produced using Adobe InDesign, and wants the publication to have an online presence.
Pioneer offers Chromebooks, video cameras and editing software that students could use to produce video. Despres intends to apply for a Foundation for Excellence in Education grant and use to gain more materials like cameras and audio recorders.
Though the class is small, Despres said teaching the course is worthwhile to give students who are interested in being journalists a chance to sample their potential career choice.
Sixteen-year-old Christina Cunningham said she is taking the class because she’s been interested in journalism as a career since she was in the seventh grade, and hopes the course will help her focus her goals after high school.
“When journalism was offered as a class this year, I was ecstatic,” Cunningham said. “I could finally explore the world of journalism more, and see exactly what my future as a journalist would be like.”
Cunningham added that she hopes the class will help her discover the type of journalism that will be the best fit for her, while refining her interpretation of what journalism is.