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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Just to much

The amount of money we are paying out is beyond rediculious . How does this make sense when the school's  need money and Teachers are under paid.

We pay the Superintendent -141,000.00
and a Asst Superintendent - 100,000.00
and a Admin Asst to Superintendent - 46,075.00

Than we pay for a FIRST time Principal - 105,000.00 ( what! for a experienced Principal yes, but one with no experience , come on )
Asst Principal salary  - 137,362.00 ( huh? This is what we are paying first timers with no experience?)

Here we already are at = 530,437 .00 Before anything else is even added .

What is wrong with this picture is we have Teachers struggling and who are the heart of the schools who should be making alot more not taking on extra jobs to survive. These numbers above are just not acceptable . Alot of these numbers are not .  Also  I would love to know what her  other expenses are for  10,816.00. 

It also seems we pay an awful lot for Secretaries and yet none of the minutes or pages have been updated.
Also where are the paw-prints ? Why were these not done?  These were done yearly ! Its disgraceful.

In case you missed this pile of BS here it is

NORTHFIELD — More than a month after the last Pioneer Valley Regional School District Committee meeting, members of the public now have answers to some of their most frequently asked questions.
Superintendent Ruth Miller posted on the Pioneer Valley Regional School District’s website outlining what became of a reported $477,487 budget shortfall and whether exit interviews had been conducted with resigning Pioneer employees.
Understanding the finances( She will explain to us what she did not know and an Auditor tells her how to do her job)
Miller came under fire from concerned parents and faculty at the June 23 committee meeting and earlier as a result of an article published by The Recorder on Sept. 14, 2015, which stated Miller, going in her first year, had discovered a significant budget deficit.
Miller said she never used those words to describe the district’s financial situation and the district was not in financial danger. Rather, money had been allotted in different accounts than she had originally expected. ( So pass the buck the newspaper lied and misquoted AGAIN)
“In the past, (the district) put all the expenses into the general fund, but that’s not the way it’s supposed to be done,” she said in a phone interview.
The district operates two separate pools of money: a general fund and a School Choice revolving fund. The School Choice fund, which comes from tuition from out-of-district students, should not be included in the budget presented to the district’s towns, she said, though former superintendents have done so. Not factoring in the School Choice fund would cause it to appear like the district was short on money.( False she did not know how to do school choice and thats what happen , here she tries to AGAIN to discredit Dayle Dorion instead of taking this on herself . We reported this months before it became a news article of what happened check archives).
“I want our account to line up with the requirements of the Department of Education,” Miller said. “That’s the way you’re supposed to do it.”
Miller said she also included facets in the budget that the previous superintendent had not.
“It was just a little murky,” Miller said.( again she tries to build herself up and crush past Admins Very immature and unprofessional  ) “What was unclear was did we have the right amount of expenses coming out and did those expenses balance what the town was going to give us.”( I think after 20 plus year Dayle Dorion knew what she was doing . A couple months in she fails )
Another issue arose because Miller could not factor in anticipated grant funding at the time of the budget’s completion.
“We did not have new grant figures when we completed the budget,” Miller explained. “We always get a special education grant that comes in at around $400,000 … We always know we’re going to get the grant, so we should be fine, but we didn’t know the number at that point.”
The district also regularly receives a Title I grant and an early education grant, Miller continued. However, because grant funding has declined significantly in the past five years, it has become more difficult for administrators to anticipate funding and Miller did not want to incorrectly account for grants.
Miller said Daniel Haynes of Scanlon & Associates completed an audit of the district and found her calculations made sense.
“I spent many hours on understanding the budget, revenues and projected expenses,” Miller said on the district’s website. “I reviewed the auditor’s recommendations and implemented many of them.” * Isn't that  her job??????????
Some of Haynes’ recommendations included separating the School Choice revolving fund from the budget presented to the towns and working to increase the district’s reserves, which have been decreasing each year.
“I made it clear (to the School Committee) … that we would be in OK shape this fiscal year,” Miller said on the website. “But we need to tighten our spending and find inefficiencies. There is just not enough in reserve to continue spending the way we have been able to in the past.”( So we rent a building and pay inexperience Principals and VP enormous salaries? )
One problem, Miller said, is the school lunch fund.
“The school lunch fund is $198,000 in the hole,” she said. “Essentially, we don’t have any reserves. Any amount of money we had left over last year, we needed to apply that to the school lunch fund and it’s still in the negative.” ( Maybe we should do what Turner's h.s Gill-Montague Regional school district did they have free breakfast and lunches for all from a grant)
“Hopefully, at the end of this year, we might be able to get rid of that in its entirety,” she said. Miller has a goal for the district to eventually have 5 percent of its budget in reserve.
Miller said the auditor also recommended enhancing the district’s internal controls in financial reporting.
“My staff and I sat down and we went through every different control that we need and rewrote our control manual,” she said. Such protocols would control the district’s transactions and eliminate fraud.
Exiting faculty On the district website, Miller wrote that “exit interviews have been done for some, but not all of the staff that have left the district.”
Faculty, parents and students had asked that exit interviews be conducted with departing staff members after several announced their resignations from the high school. Pioneer Principal Bill Wehrli, Assistant Principal — and then Acting Principal — Mike Duprey, Computer Network Manager Mike Holloway and Director of Special Education Sharon Jones are four of the long-term staff members to leave the school since fall 2015.
“I think it would appropriate for teachers to do exit interviews with their principals, for administrators to interview with me,” Miller said. “The exit interviews would be conducted by their direct supervisors.”( So we have exit interviews with the VIPER who is the reason they left.. PRICELESS) .
There is currently no format for exit interviews within the district, Miller said, but she intends to have administrators create a process for conducting exit interviews with all staff who redesign  or retire.(One word USELESS)
 This article was written Monday, August 08, 2016, 10 months after her original  when she ran to the newspaper claiming the money was missing .



  1. Who in the Central Office is responsible for managing the School Lunch Account? Seems it has been poorly managed, doesn't it. $198,000........POORLY MANAGED!

    1. Whats strange is if you look here they estimated 50-100 thousand to add to the deficit. They had a positive balance for the month.

      This whole deficit is on her .If you watch the video you can see the SC sweating this audit .. all on her.

    2. Manageing the SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM, according to reliable sources, is the responsibility of the Asst. Superintendent,Gayle Healey, her salary is a MEAGER $100,000. None of these people are qualified to perform their jobs!!!!!

    3. There's not anyone left in PVRS' Administration thats capable of doing their jobs, Let alone deserving these high salaries. The PVRS SCHOOL COMMITTEE certainly isn't capable either.

    4. Yeah Gail how is that possible? Thats alot of money to lose . Also why are we paying these enormous amounts ?

  2. To much being paid out for these positions when cuts are being made to the kids and other areas. We need to cut them and also SC pay as well . The rental of buildings is also something else that needs discussing. Also how about Gail step up and tell us where the money went .You don't pay you don't eat , and FYI that's an actual fact .

  3. I read a story today about rural schools needing more money .With what we are paying those above no wonder! I do not want to hear about one program being dropped or needing more money . This is off the wall the amount of money we are paying these people . I agree why are we paying inexperienced Principal and VP this kind of money? Why are we paying a Asst Superintendent this kind of money and she can't balance a lunch sheet! As for Superintendent she is very overpaid. None of this is acceptable and people need to start paying more attention. You want more money I call for YOUR pay cuts and giving the Teachers more money who do the majority of the work and deserve it!
