Blog Archive

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Looking back

Lets do a review
You will hear many words you have heard from her now . A leopard does not change its spots so to say .

 Templeton 2012  Miller is hired pg 51

Templeton School Committee meeting 2013 ( Starts on page 69) This is like what  you saw happening at our school last year and would be what you seen coming in this year .
Check out all the new Admins and think .
125,067.00 Millers pay

2014 Pg 51

139,800.00 her new pay 
Now thats a pay raise of  14,733.00  REALLY!

2015 Pg51
 Miller leaves for PVRS and still has a remaining year on contract ,

Templeton is now fighting to keep its head above water .

 Audit for 2015/2016 ( goes back to 2012)

Not a good look . 

Like what has been stated since last year , watch the budget , or PVRS will be  another Templeton .

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