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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Parents talk to your kids

I had an interesting conversation with someone and its clear we have a big issue brewing  at PVRS .

It seems Bacon has now taken on yet another task to assign kids classes. WHAT!

Kids are coming  home talking to  parents and are angry that they  now are in classes of up to 25 per student . They feel they are overwhelmed and not able to get the help and support they once did and teachers are overwhelmed as well. Now, correct me if I am wrong but, last I knew we were not a city  school but a rural one . Alot of parents who chose this school liked the fact it did not have over crowed class rooms and teachers were able to pay that extra attention. Now with the class sizes larger not only is that not possible but is putting a strain on kids and teachers as well .

We are a class 2 school and it will be dropping quickly to a 3 or 4 and the state will eventually step in . We need to stop this abuse before we hit that point .

When kids are complaining that the class sizes are to large and they are not getting the support they need and in the next breath  Miller and Bacon say lay offs we need to find out who exactly who should be showed the curb and I don't think its the teachers.

This bullshit has gone on long enough and now its effecting students to a point they are concerned  about how they are being educated , this needs to be brought to a halt but quick.

Word also has it that the seniors want Mr Duprey to come back for their graduation , they do not want  Bacon speaking for them and if not him Cathy Hawkins Harris ,.( preferably both ) being their time I think this  should be allowed  and I hope all senior parents step up to support them .

Well just something to think over . Again watch the budget and motives you not only have one snake to watch but two.

                       As posted before Silence kills , Speak up before you lose your voices.

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