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Wednesday, October 4, 2017


Some ideas.. lets see your over payments in pay should of been the first to be cut  and removing Healy will save as well. Miller does not need an asst when the schools population is way down. Perry could also be released. Again, she shows her lack of ability to lead. Lets take from the kids and get rid of teachers and keep people who clearly are no longer needed. 
Again, you were warned and again you allowed it to happen and the only people here who are paying  for your mistakes Miller and SB, are the kids, teachers and taxpayers.

Buying her out the first year would of saved the school, and taxpayers and kids alot of unneeded stress.
I predicted it once and again I will state it PVRS is  on a one way street to closure.

NORTHFIELD — In the face of a projected $282,514 deficit for the current school year, Pioneer Valley Regional School District Superintendent Ruth Miller has some ideas for cuts.
Miller announced the shortfall in the approximately $14.1 million budget during a budget subcommittee meeting last week, explaining the deficit resulted primarily from the district receiving $303,601 less in regional transportation reimbursement than she budgeted.
However, during Thursday’s School Committee meeting, she said the health, life and dental insurance accounts may provide the most substantial savings. Miller said when looking at the budget again, she found she budgeted $280,752 more than was necessary in the wake of significant staffing changes.
“It was definitely impacted by the reduction in force last year,” she said.
Miller also proposed cutting $31,142 from the professional development fund, $3,668 from Northfield Elementary School’s budget primarily due to needing less money for books, and another school bus due to minimal use by students. Miller estimated cutting one bus would save $60,000.
At the School Committee’s August meeting, the committee also voted to cut $10,000 out of the budget that had been allocated to compensate Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent Pam Lawrence for her services digitizing documents.
All the aforementioned cuts would save the district $385,562. Miller advised her suggestions go before the budget subcommittee at its next meeting.
“It looks like we’re going to be able to get through the year comfortably, and if we’re lucky, we’ll have some extra money,” she said.

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