Blog Archive

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

This is heatbreaking so be prepared , especially taxpayers and school choice

Here is a letter from Templeton and its heartbreaking . I hope all taxpayers, teachers and school choice  see this. I have already passed it forward to  Winchester people  to see , they have a right to know everything before being  brought into our nightmare.
Our Heartfelt Thank to Templetons Dave .

I just had a chat with a former SC member.  Ruth Millers deal for NRSD. She sought a new job due to a principal problem prior to the memorial issue
I was told there was still a year left on the contract. So I would say the pattern of can’t play well with others fits. Her budget ways shut Templeton down for almost 2 months. All parts of government were shut down. No night police force or other services were operational. Cemetery only open if digging was needed and the highway superintendent would do the digging. I don’t think it’s bad to say she was not comfortable here after that summer. What she did was use the so called nuclear option to pass a budget after a failed prop 2 ,which was  overrode by voters 3 times. The Nuclear option was to have a combined multi town vote at one meeting. This may soon play out also at Quabbin or your school system some day. It put the towns budget in a spiral fall that ends with a crash at the end of a fiscal year cycle like Templeton endured . It makes the down divided and pits school against all other town departments and festers for years to come. It causes the elimination of recreation programs that keep kids busy during the summer and jobs for the kids to run these programs. Swim lessons canceled due to no funds to pay insurance or instructors. My mother in law started and taught for over 30 years the swim program and couldn’t believe we would cut it.
Without funds that the school system took away we were unable to fund most of the town for 2 months and then some.
She  got her budget and with it got the name we now have for her here Ruthless! That combined town meeting had many flaws. Not enough room for the people who came and denial of a secret ballot vote due to length of time it may take. This process should not be allowed ever and with it should come a mandatory secret ballot process.
 I think the way to get her out is with the school choice program people on board. With her there the reason to go there is quickly going away.
The budget is key to the health of your school and school choice is a very big part I would guess you know that. Hit hard on that issue as the SC needs to hear when the smoke clears the cost to the tax payers will mean the school staff will be gutted ,to cut for the loss of school choice people. If that’s where they make the money and they ruin it ask them where will it come from if students  go elsewhere? As with the memorial issue we had here after the smoke cleared  there was  a committee formed to deal with the changes and additions of any new memorials in the future. As with all problems caused by a obtuse decision to not follow guidance we wind up needing a committee to blame next time.
You know so it won’t fall through the crack, like Ruthless said.
I wish I had a silver bullet to give you or a stake for all that matters but all vampires suck the life out of the living. So just tell the SC it’s not just about the money. It’s about the money from school choice that’s at stake and with it your ability to keep this budget alive. With Ruth it will die and never be the same again. Your partner towns will suffer the pain Templeton did with a deeper portion of overall budgets going to fund a money starved system. Every year the town will ask for overrides that fail and cuts to town services will take the hit over and over till there’s no more to cut. Templeton has just begun to heal from this and has a long road to travel. With only 40 people to turn out for a town meeting it shows who could care what happens now. The money is just the amount to dump her one time. Not for the years after the damage is done and school revenue has dropped from the school choice program will the towns begin to financially recover.
Ask about the E+D fund amount and if it could be used to buy her out if there’s any left.
From what I learned today she and another man were the only people who were in the running for the job.
I kind of think they flipped a coin! The other one was from out of state.
I will continue to dig and share what I find.
“Pauly’s Templeton Watch”  has history on this and many other issues Templeton has had to deal with  in the past.
Good luck Pioneer students and staff


  1. I am from Winchester NH and I don't think PVRS will be a good fit for us . I am passing it along as well. At this point we should stay where we are.

  2. I too am from Winchester,N.H. I always heard what a great school this was and was excited to hear about school choice. This is so disturbing to see. At this point in time I cannot support this either. I am also passing this along. What a shame.

  3. So tomorrow is the last day of school for Pioneer.
    Is it the last day also for the Pioneer school you now know?
    As summer goes by the school still has a function and the superintendent still works on your school function. Will it be more change like seen from her start? Will it be a increase in the cost of doing business and the new help hired programed to be a certain type of administrator. Was the old administration not up to the standards she puts forth? For them to leave so quickly there has to be a good reason. Find out what has happened or when the smoke clears and the dust settles Pioneer will only be a name not a way of education. Don't give up on your common goal and establish a standard for this new administration to follow or be replaced. Force your elected school committee to do as you wish or find new people who will. Get involved in town government and be inspired to participate in it's function for the good of the school systems.Form a elected student government to address issue the students have if you haven't done so.
    Most of all Be heard in numbers.
    Does Ruth need to go or do the people that hire need to be replaced?
    If Pioneer is important enough to the people who make it a school system they should know the answers to heal its illness. Speak up and be heard don't wait till it's to late to matter.

  4. It was a very hard day. Teachers and students felt this loss deeply . Were all very upset .

  5. Turn your sad feeling into a movement that has a voice.
    Don't allow yourselves to be hurt again like this.
    Get involved and make a difference, without involvement history will repeat itself.
    Start now and plan for the new school year.
    Time is on your side and with the history you just made get the will to keep it from repeating. Help vet the new choice made for principal and the staff that get hired.
    Be active and voice research on the new candidates who apply. Do some background checking and ask around the school they come from. God knows if it's those who hire the super they need some more help. Better yet replace them for their job performance.

  6. I agree with your statements Dave. Personally I also feel they all most go. No good has come from this committee or superintendent. They have hurt this school deeply .
